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Home | Drug Defenses | Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance

Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance Law (H&S 11550)

Orange County Drug Defense Attorney

If you are arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance, you were arrested for violation of Health & Safety Code 11550 (or, H&S 1150). Typically, being arrested under H&S 11550 means you were using methamphetamine, cocaine, or PCP. The police officer will have checked your heart rate, your pupil size and typically you will have to take a blood or urine test to determine where you were under the influence. The officer that will test you will be DRE (Drug Recognition Expert). If you are arrested under the influence of a controlled substance, our office will take your blood test results and have it split and tested for a specific anagram count of the drug. We would never rely on the Orange County Crime Lab and their results. Once we know the actual results, and depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, we could counsel you on the best resolution. It is further possible to have your case dismissed due to lack of proof of sufficient amounts of drugs in your system. However, if you would ultimately be sentenced to jail, many times we have been successful in convincing the courts and district attorneys that our clients should receive treatment in a treatment facility in lieu of jail for day-to-day credit. Many of our clients who are found under the influence of a controlled substance never actually go to jail, but rather obtain treatment. If you are arrested for under the influence of a controlled substance under Health & Safety Code Section 11550, please contact our offices today to set up an appointment with you to defend your case.

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