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Home | Drug Defenses | Drug Programs in lieu of Jail

Drug Program Alternatives to Jail Time

Many people get sentenced for drug cases to jail time. However, jail does not really solve the drug problem. For example, someone can go into jail and do jail time for one year, and when they are released, they have not learned anything and can go back to their drug habits. At the Law Offices of Stull & Stull, we always recommend that anyone involved with drugs get the help they need. It is critical to one’s rehabilitation to get the proper care.

The advantage of a drug treatment program is that many times the court will give you day for day credit for jail while in the program. As result, may people are sentenced to jail and get to complete a program. When they complete their program, they are usually drug free and can return to being a productive member of society.

The Law Offices of Stull & Stull can recommend some of the best rehabilitation programs that will work for you. Call us today and we can assist you setting up the right program for you or your loved one.

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